Are you ready for your best season yet?

Most construction business owners find themselves stuck in the same situation year after year, making the same mistakes and never getting ahead financially.

If you're tired of just getting by and not achieving what you thought was possible to achieve with your construction company,  then this post is going to help change your mindset about what is possible and how to achieve it. 

You'll learn to put together an action plan based on proven methods used by successful owners who have already scaled their businesses successfully!

You Need A Plan To Succeed

Maybe it's the season of the year or the start of the new quarter.  Perhaps your team is deeply committed to targeting and strategic planning and will finally get the initiative going – the one that will change the company's face if only they have the time to find it. And perhaps they make professional and personal decisions,  such as making more sales calls every week or hitting the gym three times a week. 

The sad truth is that most resolutions don't work.  That's just human nature.  We want something else, something else to strive for but often meet those well-used paths of behavior called habits that, despite our best intentions, prevent these goals from being completed. 

So it gets less about what you want and more about how to stick with it in this next period.  Best practices have shown that the following three steps increase your odds of achieving your goals.

1. Commit To Getting Results

As much as we hope for them, guarantees in life are few.  But you can count on one thing:  when you continue to do the same things, you cannot expect different results.  You have to do other things to get different results – the change is radically different sometimes and just a tweak here or there, but it has to be different. 

Why do we struggle to keep to our commitments?  Is it human nature?  Are we just weak?  It could be a combination of all of them.

Whatever the reasons we have failed to keep our commitments in the past, today is a new day.

People often think that making a change or commitment is all about willpower.  The truth, however, lies in examining the habits we have developed over time and experience, to see if they are getting us where we want to go.

This means being honest with ourselves by looking back on our recent history:  both the good things as well as those less favorable moments which may have come up unexpectedly out of nowhere.  We then examine how these two aspects can be changed into something more positive; for moving forward together towards success rather than what has been holding us back from achieving goals before now.

So learn from the past but make the commitment that things are going to be different going forward.  Your past may be a great teacher, but it is not your dictator.

2. After You've Got A Commitment, Set Clear And Reasonable Goals

A clear vision of the end, guides our decision-making today.

Imagine you have improved your balance sheet this year.  Tax austerity is a name for governments and many companies worldwide. The positive effect on the business might be achieved if an employee demands significantly more compensation, or even if a manager requests a larger budget?  Will it serve our company's vision to make employees happy or successful in other ways?  Maybe so!  But keeping one eye on what we're trying to protect against, fear of change and old habits must remain at the forefront, as well when making sound decisions that will affect everyone involved with our company

At some point, we have all avoided setting targets, often because of a certain amount of fear.  Fear of change, fear of the unfamiliar.  Fear that we will be embarrassed if we don't achieve this goal.  Fear that our lives will change if we accomplish that goal.  Suspend your worry for the time being. 

Open your mind to the prospect of setting goals for the coming year and begin thinking about your roadmap.

3. Follow A Simple Plan To Achieve Your Goals

This is a crucial end result, but the steps to get you there quickly view the endpoint.

Here are some questions you can ask about getting where you need to go:

  • How long are you going to spend on these goals?
  • What are the milestones on the way to measure?
  • Who will help you get where you want to go?
  • Are they aware of your objectives?
  • Do you trust they will do their job?

Yes, set a goal of adding $2 million to the balance sheet by the following year is a noble objective.

But it brings up some tough questions:

  • What exactly do you have to do this week to get closer to the goal?
  • What about next week?
  • What about next month?
  • How many prospects must be contacted in January to reap sufficient benefits in March?
  • What happens if you have a slow summer?  Does the goal have to be abandoned?
  • How are you going to reorganize?
  • How will you keep everyone motivated to help you in your quest?

These are excellent questions to ask when taking on a goal.

Any goal requires a map or attack plan to be successful.  For example, you wouldn't drive to Florida without first plotting your route on Google Maps.  You'd at the very least learn that you need to go south at the on-ramp, or you'd end up in New York City before you realized your mistake.

A good plan lays out the steps that must be completed, and a timeline, and the people who will be responsible for completing those steps.  Of course, you are not required to do everything, but you must inform others if you rely on them and expect them to complete their tasks.

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

This post has shown you that it's possible to achieve whatever your construction business goals may be.  Now, all you have to do is put together an action plan and take the next steps towards achieving them!  We're here for you every step of the way with coaching sessions.

Schedule a free, 15 minute consultation call with George and take the first steps to getting your company on track for success. Contact us today so together we can make this happen for you!